Best debt collector invests PLN 92.9 mln in receivables in Q4 2024

Listed debt collector Best Group invested PLN 92.9 million (EUR 21.8 mln) in debt portfolios in the fourth quarter of 2024, down by 66 percent year on year, the company said in a market filing.

The nominal value of the acquired portfolios in the fourth quarter of 2024 amounted to PLN 326.1 million (EUR 76.54 mln).

Repayments from held portfolios increased by 22 percent to PLN 92.8 million (EUR 21.8 mln) in the period.

In the four quarters of 2024, the group invested PLN 320.9 million (EUR 75.32 mln) in repayments from receivables owed to the group, up by 3 percent year on year.

In turn, the nominal value of portfolios acquired in 2024 fell by 30 percent year on year to PLN 1,437.1 million (EUR 337.3 mln).

mcb/ ao/ nl/

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