Bloober Team games expects further payments from Konami for Silent Hill 2 milestones

Listed video games producer Bloober Team expects further payments from Konami for Silent Hill 2 milestones. It hopes that the game will not be the end of its cooperation with the Japanese computer game developer and publisher, Bloober Team representatives told a conference.

The game Silent Hill 2 will be released on October 8 for PC and PS5.

Silent Hill 2 is a remake of a game with the same title released in 2001. Bloober Team is responsible for the game's production and Konami is the publisher.

Bloober Team's CFO and deputy CEO Karolina Nowak said that the milestones in the contract with Konami are not evenly distributed, adding that further milestone settlements can be expected.

"As is standard in publishing contracts, these [milestones - PAP ed.] are spread out until the end of the cooperation with the publisher," the company's CFO said.

"We did not actually see revenue from these milestones in the second quarter, (...) Bloober Team is still in cooperation with Konami (...) and there will still be some settlements with Konami," she added.

Bloober Team's CEO Piotr Babieno said that the October release of Silent Hill 2 can be expected to have a significant impact on fourth quarter results.

"How the milestones are distributed (...) we cannot say, while it can be expected that it will be the (second - PAP) half of the year," said the CEO.

The company's CEO noted that Konami is very satisfied with its cooperation with Bloober Team.

"It can be expected that this is not the end of the adventure with Konami," the CEO said.

Babieno noted that the majority of Silent Hill 2's revenue will be from the PlayStation platform. However, he added that interest from PC gamers is not small.

Bloober Team's revenues in the first half of 2024 amounted to PLN 48.9 million (EUR 11.5 mln) compared to PLN 56 million (EUR 13.1 mln) in the same period last year. Net profit increased by 202 percent year on year to PLN 14.5 million (EUR 3.4 mln). The company's operating profit increased by 112 percent year on year to PLN 14.8 million (EUR 13.5 mln).

han/ pel/ ao/

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