Budimex builder estimates it had PLN 172 mln consolidated net profit in Q4 2024

Listed builder Budimex estimates that it had PLN 172 million (EUR 40.4 mln) consolidated net profit in Q4 2024, up by 40 percent year on year, and estimated consolidated revenue for the fourth quarter at PLN 2.6 billion (EUR 610.2 mln), the company said in a market filing.

In addition, the estimates report indicated that operating profit was PLN 235 million (EUR 55.2 mln).

In turn, the estimated consolidated revenue for 2024 was PLN 9.1 billion (EUR 2.1 bln) and operating profit was PLN 744 million (EUR 174.6 mln).

The value of contracts signed by the Budimex group in 2024 amounted to PLN 12.6 billion (EUR 2.9 bln).

The group's net cash position at the end of the year was PLN 3.1 billion (EUR 727.6 mln) and the order book to be executed reached PLN 17.8 billion (EUR 4.2 bln).

Additionally, the filing indicated that in the annual summary, the company, when analysing the corresponding periods, notes that there was an accumulation of events in the results for Q4 2023, which had a positive impact on the result and thus raised the comparative base for the previous year.

"The results for the full year 2024 are in line with the company's expectations and the budget assumptions in 2025 are unchanged," the market filing said.

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