CARBON STUDIO SA (13/2024) Informacja dot. produkcji oraz finansowania nowego projektu Hermes

Raport bieżący 13/2024



regarding the production and financing of the new Hermes project



Management Board of Carbon Studio S.A., headquartered in Chorzow

["Company", "Issuer"] informs that on September 17, 2024, it received

information from Meta Platforms Technologies LLC [_quot;Meta_quot;] regarding the

signing of an agreement to co-finance the Issuer's new game, code-named

Project Hermes [the _quot;Game_quot;].


Game is a simulator.


a result of the signing of the agreement for the Game's financing with

Meta, the current phase of the Issuer's work on the prototype and demo

of the Game has been completed, and the Issuer has commenced the

production phase of the Game's vertical slice. The aim of the vertical

slice is to deliver a representative, fully functional segment of the

new title, showcasing key mechanics of the Game, its style, and user



Issuer intends to release the aforementioned segment of the Game by the

end of 2024. The Issuer estimates that the Game's production will be

completed by 2026. The exact release date of the Game will be publicly

announced through a separate ESPI current report.


to the agreement, Meta will finance a significant portion of the

project's budget and provide marketing support.


Issuer considers the above information significant due to the fact that,

in the Issuer's opinion, the commencement of work on the new project and

the signing of the agreement with Meta may have a positive impact on the

Issuer's future financial result.




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More information on page:,0,0,0,1

kom espi zdz

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,3584 -0,34%
1 EUR 4,1984 -0,01%
1 GBP 4,9809 0,17%
100 JPY 2,5938 -0,61%
1 USD 3,8470 0,04%