CEZ a.s.CEZ A.S. (2/2025) CEZ Group sells its stake in Veolia Energie CR
Raport bieżący z plikiem 2/2025
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CEZ Group sells its stake in Veolia Energie CR
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CEZ Group sells its stake in Veolia Energie CR
CEZ Group has concluded an agreement on the sale of its 15% stake in
Veolia Energie CR, a.s. --the Company-- with VEOLIA ENERGIE
INTERNATIONAL S.A., the Company's majority shareholder.
CEZ Group acquired this stake as part of a broader transaction where CEZ
primarily acquired the heating sector in the regional city of Usti nad
Labem, i.e. the Trmice heating plant, and approximately 20% of the share
in the company Tepelne hospodarstvi Usti nad Labem. The transformation
to low-emission heating in this area has already begun.
CEZ Group will use the proceeds
to renovate and decarbonize its wholly owned heating resources. The sale
is thus in line with CEZ Group's strategic efforts to decarbonize and
develop renewable resources, which CEZ Group has committed to in its
VISION 2030.
The settlement of the transaction is subject to assessment by the
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and is expected in
April or May this year.
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