CI Games launches full-scale production of LoTF sequel; no plans to issue shares

Listed video games producer CI Games has launched full-scale production of Project 3, the sequel to Lords of The Fallen, and for Project H and Sniper: Ghost Warrior Evolved the vision for the products will be finalised in the near future, company representatives announced at an investor chat. It was further reported that the company is not planning to issue shares.

"We are soon to close the vision for Sniper: Ghost Warrior Evolved and working on planning including staffing," CEO Tyminski wrote.

CI Games' senior deputy CEO of development Tom O'Connor indicated that the sequel to Lords of The Fallen will debut in 2026, while the debut of the game developer's new RPG project is planned for 2028.

"We have Project 3 in full production, the next instalment in the Lords of the Fallen franchise and during this year will have extensive player testing to ensure we achieve high-quality and maximise the games potential," O'Connor wrote.

"Both SGW Evolved and Project H are in pre-production, and we are closing in on the vision for these titles, with more details to follow at a later date," he added.

In addition, O'Connor indicated that the vision for the new RPG, which will benefit from the know-how developed in the production of Lords of The Fallen, is also about to be wrapped up.

The company's director of global marketing Ryan Hill reported that the sequel of Lords of The Fallen will have a significantly smaller marketing budget than the first instalment from 2023.

He underlined that this is due to the fact that the indicated IP is already globally recognisable.

Moreover, the company's CEO said that CI Games currently wants to grow the business organically.

Tyminski also pointed out that the company currently has no plans to issue shares.

"We are acting in the best interest of all shareholders. Currently the capital raise would not follow that. We want to make sure we finance our growth by other means than raise," he explained.

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