Develia real estate wants to sell 3,1-3,3k flats in 2025

Listed real estate developer Develia assumes its 2025 apartment sales in the range of 3,100 - 3,300, the developer said in a press release. The company also wants to introduce and start construction of 3,100 - 3,300 new units.

In December 2023, Develia signed a preliminary agreement with Vastint Poland, a company belonging to the international commercial real estate investment group, for the sale of the property in Wroclaw on which the Arkady Wroclawskie mixed-use building is located. The net sale price was set at EUR 42.9 million.

"For the second year in a row, we achieved record sales, finding buyers for 3,197 flats in 2024, up 20 percent year on year, and exceeding the target we set for ourselves," said the company's CEO Andrzej Oslizlo, quoted in the press release.

"This year we expect the market to stabilise, so we want to maintain this level or slightly exceed it," he added.

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