Diagnostyka's strong surge in share price at IPO surprises analysts (opinion)

Listed medical diagnostic service provider Diagnostyka's increase in share price on its debut on WSE is not surprising, but its scale is unexpected, according to Anna Tobiasz, an analyst at BDM brokerage. In her opinion, it may boost investor interest in healthcare.

"On the one hand, the increases are not surprising, but on the other hand, such a large increase at the opening was a surprise for the market," Tobiasz told PAP Biznes.

The stock opened 19.5 percent higher at PLN 125.5 (EUR 29.83) and rose further to PLN 132.9 (EUR 31.59), a 26.5 percent increase.

Trading volume was as high as PLN 246.8 million (EUR 58.7 mln).

Tobiasz believes Diagnostyka's successful debut could increase investor interest in healthcare companies. The IPO offered 16,147,124 shares owned by LX Beta S.à r.l. at PLN 105 (EUR 24.96) per share.

pam/ nl/ jz/

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