Enefi plc.ENEFI PLC (49/2024) Announcement
Raport bieżący z plikiem 49/2024
Podstawa prawna: ENEFI Asset Management Plc. (the "Company") informs its dear Investors as below:
The board of directors of WhiteIT Zrt. today discussed the Company's proposal (see previous
announcement*) and decided to expand its activities to the development of broker software
that can also be used on the international capital market, to conduct the market research
necessary for the distribution of the software, and to use the software on individual capital
markets through a partnership relationship on the local market with listed brokerage firms
and banks.
Based on the above, WhiteIT Zrt. actively begins the necessary developments and
negotiations with brokerage firms and banks to achieve the above goal.
The Company believes that the professional knowledge accumulated in White IT can be
effectively utilized in the above market segment.
The board of WhiteIT Zrt. also decided today to convene its general meeting regarding the
election of Ferenc Virág as a member of the board.
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