Erbud builder expects approx. PLN 100 mln from MOD21 in H2; PLN 200 mln revenue possible in 2025

Listed builder Erbud expects in the second half of 2024 approximately PLN 100 million (EUR 23.4 mln) of revenues from MOD21, a business involving the production of wooden modular buildings. Next year, it is possible to achieve PLN 200 million (EUR 46.7 mln) in revenue, company's management representatives told a conference.

"In the second half of the year, in MOD21 we expect a throughput of PLN 100 million, three times as much as in the first half of the year. We are in a number of proceedings in Germany. The portfolio going into next year (...) is about PLN 40 million today, which means that we will not have any downtime at the factory,” Erbud’s deputy CEO Jacek Leczkowski reported.

"We see that our sales year-on-year are many times higher (...) and we see opportunities to acquire more contracts despite the investment freeze in Poland and Germany. (...) I think that next year PLN 200 million is to be reached or exceeded," company's CEO Dariusz Grzeszczak added.

According to the CEO, there are orders on the German market that the company can win, but tenders are also starting to appear in Poland.

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