Eurocash trader assesses that it is likely not to meet guidance for 2025

Listed FMCG trader Eurocash assesses that it may not be possible to achieve the financial results assumed in the strategy in 2025, the company said in a market filing.

"Eurocash Group intends to continue to implement the strategy in 2025, however, given current market trends and the company's updated operational plans for 2025, in the opinion of the management board it may not be possible to achieve the financial results assumed for 2025, in particular EBITDA of PLN 1 billion and Frisco revenues of PLN 1 billion," the group said in the market filing.

Eurocash's management board does not plan to publish result forecasts for 2025.

"At the same time, the management board would like to emphasise the realisation of the strategic net debt/EBITDA target of 0.85 at the end of the third quarter of 2024 and the achievement of the assumed increase in cost efficiency, which made it possible to limit the impact of the minimum wage increase on the company's profitability," Eurocash added.

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