Fitch upgrades Santander BP lender's rating to 'A-', with stable outlook

Fitch rating agency has upgraded the long-term credit rating (IDR) to 'A-' from 'BBB+' of listed lender Santander BP, the unit of Spanish Banco Santander and the shareholder support rating (SSR) to 'a-' from 'bbb+' - Fitch stated in a release. The outlook for the long-term rating is stable.

As indicated, the increases reflect the recent change in the rating of the bank's parent company, Banco Santander (A/Stable), as Santander BP's IDR is based on shareholder support.

Santander BP's domestic long-term rating has also been upgraded to 'AA+(pol)' from 'AA(pol)'. In contrast, the bank's stand-alone Viability Rating remains unchanged at 'bbb'.

mcb/ nl/

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