GPW Benchmark: Communique


GPW Benchmark announces that following the trading session on March 31, 2025, there will be a periodic change of bond index portfolios. In the indices there will be following changes:


• change in the number of bonds: DS1033, DS1034, OK0127, PS0130, PS0729, WS0429.

• removed bond: OK1025.


• change in the number of bonds: OK0127.


• change in the number of bonds: OK0127.


• change in the number of bonds: OK0127, PS0130, PS0729, WS0429.


• change in the number of bonds: PS0130, PS0729, WS0429.


• change in the number of bonds: DS1033, DS1034.


• change in the number of bonds: WZ0330.

Attached are the compositions of the bond indices portfolios after periodic changes.

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,3980 0,20%
1 EUR 4,1900 0,13%
1 GBP 5,0276 0,53%
100 JPY 2,5716 -0,16%
1 USD 3,8834 0,14%