Grodno lightning records PLN 2.7 mln EBITDA loss post-three quarters of 2024/25 FY

Poland's leading distributor of electrical and lighting articles Grodno posted a consolidated EBITDA loss of PLN 2.7 million (EUR 648,270) after the three quarters of the 2024/25 financial year, the company said in its financial report.

The company's net loss for the period was PLN 15.6 million (EUR 3.75 mln), against PLN 10 million (EUR 2.4 mln) net profit in the prior year period.

The operating loss amounted to PLN 10.5 million (EUR 2.5 mln), versus PLN 19.2 million (EUR 4.6 mln) of profit a year earlier.

Cumulatively after the three quarters of the 2024/2025 financial year, the group recorded PLN 906.5 million (EUR 217.65 mln) in consolidated revenue, up by 1 percent year on year.

Grodno reported that the group's revenue dynamics were impacted by, among other things, lower year-on-year sales in the RES segment, mainly related to a decrease in the price of photovoltaic modules on the global market, as well as a decrease in new PV capacity connected in Poland.

In the third quarter alone (October - December 2024), the group's consolidated revenues remained at a level close to PLN 300 million (EUR 72 mln), EBITDA amounted to PLN 9.4 million (EUR 2.26 mln), the operating profit was PLN 6.8 million (EUR 1.63 mln) and the net profit reached PLN 2.9 million (EUR 696,290).

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