Huuuge group's staff reduction will not negatively impact revenues

Listed mobile free-to-play games developer Huuuge said that the company's staff reductions will not negatively impact revenues, the company wants to focus on its core social gaming business (social casino), Huuuge said in a press release.

Huuuge has decided to reduce its global workforce by 29 percent. The restructuring will involve 122 employees worldwide, including 89 people in Poland. The workforce reduction will end at the end of February 2025.

"Huuuge Inc. is simplifying the structure, primarily to increase operational efficiency. The changes will include the termination of the 'Huuuge Pods' business in the Netherlands and Finland and the suspension of new game development. In this way, Huuuge plans to reduce costs and focus resources on its key business area - social casino games," the release stated.

The company further stated that, based on an impairment test performed during the preparation of the 2024 financial statements, the company will write down the value of the assets by USD 3.5 million to zero.

While the impairment loss will impact the group's operating results, it will have no impact on operating cash flow, liquidity or adjusted EBITDA.

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