Inter Rao Lietuva ABINTER RAO LIETUVA AB (22/2022) Re annulment of certain permissions
Report no 22/2022
Podstawa prawna: art. 17. 1 MAR.
INTER RAO Lietuva, code 126119913 (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby informs that on 30 June 2022 the National Energy Regulatory Council in Lithuania (hereinafter - NERC) adopted the decisions to annul validity of the following permissions issued to the Company (i) the 31 January 2013 permission No. LI-0030 to import electricity, (ii) the 31 January 2013 permission No. LE-0020 to export electricity and (iii) the 17 January 2003 permission No. L1-NET-14 to conduct the activity of the independent supplier of electricity.
The Company assumes that reasons of these decisions are the same as outlined in the Company's current report No 18/2022 dated 27 May 2022.
Legal grounds: Article 17.1 of the EU Regulation on market abuse No 596/2014
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