INTER RAO LIETUVA AB (24/2022) Regarding the decision made by Vilnius Regional Court and the term to lodge the claims

Report no 24/2022

Podstawa prawna: art. 17. 1 MAR.

Please be informed that Alpiq AG informed Vilnius Regional Court that Alpiq AG waives its claim filed in civil case No. eB2-2568-864/2022.

Based on this on 22 July 2022 Vilnius Regional Court made the ruling to accept the waiver of claim, to discontinue the case regarding the decisions of the meeting of creditors of bankrupt AB INTER RAO Lietuva, taken on the 30th of June, 2022 and to cancel the stay of the extra-judicial bankruptcy proceedings of bankrupt AB INTER RAO Lietuva.

Therefore, the term to lodge the claims is reopened.

The extra-judicial bankruptcy proceedings were stayed from 12 July 2022 to 22 July 2022 (10 calendar days). The term to lodge the claims is prolonged for this period of 10 calendar days.

Based on the above, we suggest that creditors, who have not filed their claims yet, lodge their claims to the bankrupt AB "INTER RAO Lietuva" no later than 11 August 2022 and transfer them to UAB "moni bankroto administravimo ir teisini paslaug biuras", the insolvency administrator of the bankrupt AB "INTER RAO Lietuva", either at its address Jonavos st. 16A, LT-44269 Kaunas or by e-mail:, with the supporting documentation, indicating how the fulfilment of these requirements has been secured.

Legal grounds: Article 17.1 of the EU Regulation on market abuse No 596/2014

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