Report no 31/2024

Podstawa prawna: art. 17. 1 MAR.

Kernel Holding S.A., a company domiciled in Luxembourg (the "Company"), announces its intention to fully repay the outstanding principal and accrued interest on its USD 300 million 6.5% coupon bonds, issued in October 2019 and maturing in October 2024 (the "Bonds"), on their scheduled maturity date of 17 October 2024, subject to ongoing war-related risks.

In response to recent market speculation regarding a potential restructuring of the Bonds, the Company wishes to clarify that there are no current plans to modify the original terms of the Bonds. After a thorough assessment of its financial position, the Company confirms that it has sufficient liquidity and resources to meet its obligations in full and on time. This decision underscores the Company's commitment to fulfilling its financial responsibilities.

The Company remains dedicated to maintaining open and transparent communication with the market and will provide updates should any new developments occur.

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,4239 -0,21%
1 EUR 4,1664 -0,24%
1 GBP 5,0307 -0,20%
100 JPY 2,6620 0,64%
1 USD 3,9879 -0,37%