MILKILAND PCL (13/2021) Notification on the decline of a holding of shares in Milkiland PCL

Raport bieżący 13/2021

The Board of Directors of Milkiland PCL (the "Company") informs that on November 4, 2021, the Board received the notification from R-Assets N.V. (Curacao), with its registered seat in Kaya Richard J. Beaujon Z/N, Willemstad, Curacao, on decline of holding of shares of Milkiland PCL below the threshold of 5% of the total number of votes at the general meeting of the Company due to the selling transactions made on 03 November, 2021.

On November 4, 2021, R-Assets N.V. holds 1,512,800 (one million five hundred twelve thousand and eight hundred) shares of the Company that constitutes 4.84% of the Company's share capital and corresponds to 1,512,800 (one million five hundred twelve thousand and eight hundred) votes or 4.84% of the voting rights on the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Before the transaction R-Assets N.V. held 1,562,800 (one million five hundred sixty two thousand and eight hundred) shares of the Company that constituted 5.0% of Company's share capital and corresponded to 1,562,800 (one million five hundred sixty two thousand and eight hundred) votes or 5.0% of the voting rights on the General Meeting of Shareholders.

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1 CHF 4,4239 -0,21%
1 EUR 4,1664 -0,24%
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