Newag inks PLN 1.13 bln net framework agreement for delivery of electric multiple units

Listed rolling stock producer Newag has concluded a framework agreement with Malopolskie regional authority and Koleje Malopolskie (Malopolskie railways) for the supply of electric multiple units worth up to PLN 1.13 billion (EUR 264.1 mln) net, Newag said in a market filing.

"During the term of the framework agreement, the contracting authority may award an executive order or several executive orders (depending on the current demand of the contracting authority) up to a total maximum amount of PLN 1,131,349,572.68 net," Newag wrote.

The company pointed out in the market filing that the agreed maximum value of the framework agreement would allow the contracting authority to order up to 25 vehicles, together with maintenance and ancillary services.

The framework agreement was concluded for a period of four years, with the proviso that the contracting authority stipulates that in the period of 12 months from the date of conclusion of the agreement, it may order no less than six and no more than 14 vehicles in total.

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