Orange telco's better-than-expected Q4 results may be well received by market (opinion)

Listed telecom operator Orange Polska's better-than-expected results for the fourth quarter of 2024 may be well received by the market, which is also waiting for the company's new strategy, Erste Securities analyst Nagy Nora wrote in a commentary sent to PAP Biznes.

"Orange Polska's OPEX for the fourth quarter of 2024 positively surprised," Nagy Nora wrote in the commentary.

She pointed out that the company credited a year-on-year decrease in labour costs, noting that commercial costs were around PLN 60 million (EUR 14.4 mln) lower year on year, which was not fully included into earlier estimates.

"Forecasts for 2025 in our last analyst report were largely in line with the company's estimates. The recommended dividend of PLN 0.53 per share is in line with expectations and implies a dividend yield of 7 percent at Wednesday's closing price," the analyst wrote.

She added that the market is looking forward to the new strategy, which should provide more information on management's plans for capital allocation.

"Better-than-expected operating results for the fourth quarter of 2024 could be positively received by the market," Nora assessed.

mcb/ ao/

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