Pepco retailer plans to open 300 new shops by end-2025, mostly in CEE countries

Listed retail group Pepco plans to open 300 new stores by the end of 2025, mostly in Central and Eastern Europe, the group said in a press release.

Pepco aims to continue increasing its number of locations, with most new stores set to be open in the CEE region countries. This expansion follows a successful fiscal year 2024, during which Pepco opened a total of 331 new stores, including 232 in Central and Eastern Europe, with 83 shops or 25 percent of the total number opened in Poland.

"Our strategy for opening new stores will continue to target countries we know well and where we are confident in generating appropriate returns, which will strengthen our already strong market position. Therefore, most of the stores we plan to open will be in our region," said Pepco's CEO Marcin Stanko, quoted in the press release.

"We will continue to expand in various locations, from shopping centres to retail parks and high streets, to provide customers with convenient shopping options," he added.

Additionally, Pepco is observing the growing potential of the retail market and intends to focus on increasing product diversity and improving service quality for customer satisfaction.

"We regularly conduct research and analyses to better understand consumer trends, brand value, and the impact of macroeconomic factors," Stanko added.

"These analyses are then utilised throughout the company, from purchasing teams to investment departments and visual merchandising, to tailor our products and store layouts to customer needs," he explained.

Key categories for the retail chain remain clothing, decorative items, and seasonal products, which will continually be enhanced with new lines that align with current trends.

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