PGE power contracts no less than 1,293.011 MW at 2029 capacity market auction

Listed power utility PGE has contracted at least 1,293.011 MW of power obligation for its units in the 2029 capacity market auction, the company said in a market filing. The total volume of capacity contracts concluded for the 2029, including long-term contracts from previous auctions, is no less than 7,057.727 MW.

PGE said that a total of no less than 1,293.011 MW of capacity obligations have been contracted, including 211.554 MW in 17-year contracts, 138.066 MW in seven-year contracts and 943.391 MW in 1-year contracts.

The main auction in the capacity market for 2029 was completed in the seventh round. The auction schedule shows that in the seventh round, the starting price was PLN 268.48 (EUR 62.69) per kW per year and the minimum price was PLN 223.77 (EUR 52.25) per kW per year.

Pursuant to the capacity market act, the preliminary results of the auction will be published within three working days of its completion.

The final results of the power auction will be announced by the head of Poland's energy market regulator URE in the Public Information Bulletin (BIP) on its website, on the first working day following the 21st day after the day of completion of the power auction.

gaw/ ao/ han/

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