Poland's antitrust regulator charges Jeronimo Martins Polska over Biedronka promotional campaigns

Poland's antitrust and consumer protection regulator UOKiK has charged Jeronimo Martins Polska, the unit of Portuguese concern owning Poland's largest retail chain Biedronka, with violating collective consumer interests, UOKiK said in a statement. It concerns one-day promotional campaigns in Biedronka shops.

As indicated by UOKiK, at the beginning of the year, on January 31, and February 14, one-day promotional campaigns - ‘Special Wednesday’ and ‘Valentine's Wednesday’ - were held in Biedronka shops. Customers were encouraged to buy certain products for which they were to receive a '100 percent voucher refund'. According to the regulator, the company did not clearly communicate the rules of the campaign in its advertising messages.

"The choice of advertising content and the way it is presented must not mislead consumers. The marketing message should contain the most important information from the consumer's point of view," said the head of UOKiK Tomasz Chrostny, quoted in the press release.

"Biedronka's customers bought the products indicated by the shop with the idea that they would realistically save on products they could choose themselves. Meanwhile, they found out after the fact about significant limitations, for example the possibility of using the voucher only for specific products," he added.

The company faces a fine of up to 10 percent of turnover.

UOKiK said that it is also investigating other marketing messages used by food chains. Current investigations include an advertising campaign used by Lidl, a few advertising campaigns used by Eurocash Franchise and one more advertising campaign used by Jeronimo Martins Polska.

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