Polish telcos make preliminary offers at 5G auction - Poland's telecom regulator

Polish telecoms Orange Polska, P4, T-Mobile Polska and Polkomtel have submitted preliminary offers at the 5G auction for seven reservations of 700 and 800 MHz frequency bands, Poland's telecom market regulator UKE wrote in a statement.

The subject of the auction are seven frequency reservations and the starting auction price for the 700 and 800 MHz bands is PLN 356 million (EUR 84.5 mln).

As a result of the auction, a participant may obtain a maximum of two frequency reservations.

On Tuesday, Parkiet daily reported on the basis of information from the companies that Polkomtel had submitted a bid for one block and P4 for two. It also indicated that Orange and T-Mobile had not indicated how many blocks they had bid for.

mcb/ han/ ao/

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