Rafako engineering's receiver adopts rules for group layoffs affecting max. 699 employees

The official receiver for listed engineering company Rafako in bankruptcy has adopted rules for collective redundancies, stipulating that the number of employees affected will be a maximum of 699, Rafako announced in a market filing.

The redundancies will be carried out until February 28, 2025, with notice periods ending by May 31, 2025, at the latest.

As Rafako pointed out in the market filing, the decision to carry out collective redundancies is caused by the company's poor economic situation, the issuance of a bankruptcy order by the court in December 2024, the necessity for the liquidation of the workplace by the company's bankruptcy trustee, including the liquidation of workplaces, as well as the lack of other possibilities for the company to conduct its business or use its resources, ascertained at the moment.

The District Court in Gliwice declared Rafako bankrupt on December 19, 2024.

seb/ ao/ han/

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