Studenac Croatian grocer cancels IPO in Warsaw and Zagreb

The Croatian grocery chain Studenac and its main selling shareholder have decided not to proceed with the company's initial public offering of shares due to unfavourable market conditions, Studenac said in a press release.

"During our numerous meetings and discussions with Croatian, Polish, and international investors, they have shown genuine interest in Studenac's business model, appreciation for its dynamic growth and support for our expansion plans. However, due to the challenging conditions in the capital markets, we - together with our majority shareholder - have decided not to proceed with the IPO of the company’s shares," said the CEO of Studenac Michal Senczuk, quoted in the press release.

"(...) It is possible that, in the future, when market conditions are more favourable, we will revisit plans for an initial public offering and the listing of Studenac shares on the stock exchange," he added.

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