Tauron power's company receives lawsuit for payment of PLN 66.2 mln

Polska Energia - Pierwsza Kompania Handlowa PE-PKH, a subsidiary of listed power utility Tauron, has received a lawsuit in which Gorzyca Wind Invest is demanding payment of a total amount of PLN 66.2 million (EUR 15.5 mln) as contractual penalties with interest, Tauron said in a market filing.

As stated, the penalties would relate to PE-PKH's non-performance of the framework agreement for the sale of property rights arising from certificates of origin dated March 2, 2010 in the period from September 2021 to July 2023.

"PE-PKH has proceeded to analyse the content of the lawsuit and will file a response to the lawsuit in due course. A preliminary assessment of the claims of the lawsuit and its justification indicates that they are unfounded," the market filing said.

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