VRG fashion likely seen with PLN 112.2 mln revenues in June, up 9.5 pct y/y

Listed fashion group VRG's consolidated revenues in June likely amounted to PLN 112.2 million (EUR 26.02 mln), up by 9.5 percent year on year, the company said in its preliminary estimates. Year-to-date revenues amounted to PLN 618.9 million (EUR 143.53 mln), up 2.8 percent year on year.

Sales revenues in the clothing segment (Vistula, Bytom, Wolczanka, Deni Cler brands) amounted to PLN 53.8 million (EUR 12.48 mln) in June, up by 7.8 percent year on year. In cumulative terms the revenues amounted to PLN 284.6 million (EUR 66.0 mln) year to date, down 2.7 percent year on year.

Sales revenue in the jewellery segment (W. KRUK brand) amounted to PLN 58.5 million (EUR 13.57 mln) in June, up by 11.2 percent year on year. Year-to-date revenues amounted to PLN 334.3 million (EUR 77.53 mln), up 7.9 percent year on year.

Online sales amounted to PLN 15 million (EUR 3.48 mln) in June, up by 48.3 percent year on year. The sales amounted to PLN 83.5 million (EUR 19.37 mln) year-to-date, up 25.4 percent year on year.

The consolidated sales margin reached 55 percent in June, down by 1.2 percentage points year on year. The year-to-date margin amounted to 55.2 percent, up by 1.1 percentage points year on year.

As reported, the group's total retail space at the end of June was 51,000 square metres, down 1.4 percent year on year.

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