Wirtualna Polska media announces its intention to acquire Czech-based Invia Group

Online media group Wirtualna Polska Holding has notified its intention to acquire Invia Group, a Czech-based travel intermediary, Poland's antitrust and consumer protection regulator UOKiK reported on its website.

"The notified concentration intention concerns the acquisition of sole control over Invia Group SE, with its registered office in Prague, Czech Republic, by Wirtualna Polska Media through the acquisition of 100 percent of the shares in Invia," the application states.

Invia is a European company with its registered office in Prague, Czech Republic. The company, through its subsidiaries, operates on the markets of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland in the area of intermediation in booking travel services.

To a lesser extent, the Invia Group operates in the field of organisation of tourist services and provides support services for tourist activities, including distribution of, among others, travel insurance.

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