XTB financials plans to launch individual retirement security account IKZE in Q1 2025

Listed financials company XTB is planning to launch the individual retirement security account IKZE in the first quarter of 2025, XTB's CEO Omar Arnaout told a press conference. He added that it is likely to be possible to transfer Polish individual retirement accounts IKE to XTB from December.

"IKZE will be introduced in the first quarter of 2025," Arnaout announced at the press conference on Thursday.

"Why did we launch IKE first and only then will we introduce IKZE? Because it is better to launch one product than to wait for both products, there is no point in waiting for IKZE when you can launch IKE," he added.

Arnaout believes that there will be much more value in launching ISA accounts in the UK and an IKE equivalent in France at the moment.

"It's always a matter of prioritisation," the CEO said.

Arnaout did not provide figures on the number of customers using an IKE account with XTB.

"Interest is very high despite the fact that it is currently not possible to transfer IKE to XTB and despite the fact that we do not have an IKE marketing campaign. The interest is higher than our expectations," he said.

The CEO hopes that from December it will be possible to transfer Polish individual retirement accounts IKE to XTB.

"That would mean that over time - I don't know if in December, maybe in January - we will start a bigger marketing campaign that would be related to IKE and then certainly the numbers regarding clients will be significantly higher than they are at the moment," XTB's CEO said.

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