Poland faces balanced uncertainty in c.bank projections for GDP and CPI - c.bank projection

The balance of uncertainty factors indicates a near-symmetrical distribution of risks for the projected GDP growth and CPI inflation over the projection horizon, according to the newest projection by Poland's central bank NBP.

"The central scenario of the projection, presenting the most likely macroeconomic developments in Poland, is subject to uncertainty reflected in the fan charts. The economic outlook and CPI inflation path in Poland depend to a large extent on the development of domestic energy prices in the years 2025-2027," the report said.

In turn, an important source of risk from the external environment of the Polish economy is the future development of economic activity in the euro area, particularly in the German economy, under conditions of high uncertainty related to possible changes in the trade policies of the largest economies.

"Another important risk factor in the external environment of the Polish economy is the further course of military conflicts, including in particular the Russian aggression. The balance of uncertainty factors indicate a close to symmetric distribution of risks for the forecast of GDP growth and CPI inflation over the projection horizon," the NBP economists wrote.

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