Poland wants better use of auto-enrolment in PPK, intends to make it easier to invest on WSE

Polish government wants to make better use of auto-enrolment in Poland's employer-sponsored pension plans PPK and wants to make it easier to invest on the Warsaw Stock Exchange through new instruments, including ETFs, Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski told a press conference. He added that the government will reduce capital gains tax.

"We need a more dynamic public market that is attractive to investors and businesses. That is why from next year we will compact the contribution limit for [individual retirement protection] IKZE to make long-term funding more profitable. We are working and new instruments to make investing easier for both individual and institutional investors - ETFs are among them," Domanski said.

"We are also planning sweeps that will make the market more predictable for investors. Among other things, we want to implement rules so that compulsory redemptions of shares are always treated as a tax loss, and the so-called auto-enrolment mechanism in PPK is better used so that more people can actively participate in this programme," he added.

Poland's finance minister added that the government would also reduce capital gains tax.

Domanski reported that the government's plans for capital markets will mobilise an additional PLN 10 billion (EUR 2.39 bln) of new funds for innovation and investment.

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