Poland's further payment requests for EU funds under national recovery plan at up to PLN 30 bln

Later this year, Poland's Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy plans to submit the 4th and 5th payment applications for EU funds under the national recovery plan KPO for up to PLN 30 billion (EUR 7.03 bln), the ministry said in a press statement.

"Poland has already submitted the first three payment applications under the national recovery plan KPO to the EC for a total of over PLN 67 billion. Of this amount, PLN 27 billion is already working for the development of the Polish economy, and another PLN 40 billion will come to Poland before Christmas," the ministry wrote.

"Later this year, we are planning to submit the 4th and 5th application for payment of EU funds under the national recovery plan KPO for an amount of up to PLN 30 billion," it added.

On Wednesday, the development funds deputy minister Jan Szyszko told PAP Biznes that Poland would still send two more requests for payment from EU funds under the KPO before the end of this year; at the time, he did not specify the amount.

After the latest revision, the national recovery plan KPO consists of 57 investments and 54 reforms. Poland is to receive EUR 59.8 billion under KPO, including EUR 25.27 billion in grants and EUR 34.54 billion in loans.

In line with EU targets, almost 45 percent of the national recovery plan KPO budget is earmarked for climate objectives and more than 21 percent for digital transformation.

jz/ han/ ao/

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