Revenue to Polish budget from VAT grows at double-digit rate, says FinMin

Revenue to the budget from VAT is growing at a double-digit rate, Poland's Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski told Radio Zet. As he pointed out, budget revenues after the first two months are going at least according to plan.

"Today we will publish detailed data for the first two months (2025 - PAP), but I can already say that budget revenues from VAT are growing at a double-digit rate, 17 percent, that is revenues of PLN 63 billion. Revenue from CIT is also growing clearly, which was a problem in 2024, here we have a dynamics of 14 percent," Domanski said.

"Budget revenues after the first two months of this year are going at least according to plan," he added.

After January 2025, the state budget deficit was PLN 3.2 billion (EUR 765.8 mln).

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