cyber_Folks enters into PLN 547.5 mln preliminary agreement to purchase 49.9 pct of Shoper shares

Listed IT company cyber_Folks has entered into a preliminary agreement with the shareholders of Shoper to purchase the company's shares, representing 49.9 percent of the company's share capital and total voting rights, for a total of PLN 547.5 million (EUR 127.1 mln), the companies said in their press releases.

As stated, cyber_Folks entered into a preliminary agreement to purchase a total of 14,039,145 shares with shareholders Modhaus (will sell 2,289,082 shares), K_K Family Foundation (2,289,082 shares), R_E Family Foundation (2,289,082 shares), KFF Holding (2,289,082 shares), and V4C Poland Plus Fund S.C.A. SICAV FIAR (4,882,817 shares).

The sale price per share will be PLN 39 (EUR 9.05).

According to the agreement, cyber_Folks will make a down payment of approximately PLN 8 million (EUR 1.9 mln) to each of the sellers towards the sale price, i.e. a total of approximately PLN 40 million (EUR 9.3 mln).

The agreement also provides for the possibility to increase the sale price in the event that the company exercises its right to extend the closing date by which it should obtain antitrust clearance for the transaction and the closing activities take place after February 15, 2025.

The total sale price may be increased by up to PLN 4.76 million (EUR 1.1 mln).

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