Cyber_Folks SAcyber_Folks IT signs contracts to sell over 14 mln Shoper shares for PLN 547.5 mln
Listed IT company cyber_Folks has entered into promised contracts for the sale of 14,039,145 listed e-commerce software provider Shoper shares for a total of PLN 547.5 million (EUR 129.6 mln), the company said in a market filing.
cyber_Folks, as the buyer, concluded with 'MODHAUS', K_K Family Foundation, R_E Fundacja Rodzinna, KFF Holding and V4C Poland Plus Fund S.C.A. SICAV FIAR, the promised agreements for the sale of 14,039,145 Shoper shares.
The sale price of the shares sold was the same at PLN 39 (EUR 9.23) per share.
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