P4 operator sets up second bond issue programme of up to PLN 3 bln

P4, the Catalyst-listed operator of Polish telecom Play, has established a second bond issue programme of up to PLN 3 billion (EUR 703.8 mln), the company said in a market filing. The programme is to run for three years.

It was reported that the mode of offering the bonds under the programme will not involve the obligation to prepare a prospectus. The bonds will take the form of dematerialised, unsecured bearer securities, denominated in Polish zloty, with a maturity of not less than 1 year and not more than 10 years.

P4 will apply for the introduction of the bonds to trading and listing in the Catalyst alternative trading system operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

As part of the programme, Play may issue green bonds with funds to be used for purposes consistent with the Iliad Group's Green Financing Framework, with the value of the issue and the type of bonds to be determined on a case-by-case basis at the time of the decision to issue.

Final decisions on individual bond issues under the programme, including the type of bonds to be issued, the maturity date and the interest rate and interest payment method, will be approved by the company's respective corporate approvals and will depend on market conditions.

mcb/ ao/

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