Tusk tells EC president Poland will not implement EU migration pact

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said he had informed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that Poland was not going to implement the EU's migration pact as it already hosts a great number of Ukrainian refugees.

"I recently told Poles clearly and I repeated this to Mrs. President (von der Leyen - PAP)," Tusk said after a meeting of EU commissioners in Poland's northern city of Gdansk on Friday, referring to the country's opposition to accepting migrants relocated from other EU member states.

"Hosting close to two million Ukrainian refugees, Poland is a country in a special situation," he said.

"And I'm pleased that my argumentation was heard and understood, that Poland will not be implementing the migration pact in a way that it would result in any additional migrant quotas in Poland," Tusk said. (PAP)

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