Creotech completes ABB for 475k series K shares; sets issue price at PLN 160 per share

Listed spacetech company Creotech Instruments has completed the accelerated book building process for the company's 475,000 newly issued K-series ordinary bearer shares and has set the issue price of the shares at PLN 160 (EUR 38.35) per paper, the space company said in a market filing.

"In connection with the completion of the accelerated book building process, the company's management board, having reviewed the recommendations of the offer coordinator, has determined the final number of series K shares and the issue price of series K shares. The board decided that 475,000 series K shares will be offered to investors at an issue price of PLN 160 per share," Creotech said in the market filing.

The company announced the launch of the accelerated book building process on February 4. The net proceeds from the issue are to be used to finance the execution of the Mikroglob contract.

At that time, it was reported that the company's management board had decided to grant the pre-emptive right to acquire series K shares to the company's shareholders holding at least 0.5 percent of the company's shares as at the end of the register date at the company's extraordinary general meeting held on January 30, 2025, i.e. as of January 14, 2025.

mcb/ ao/

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