Scanway space tech wants to move to WSE's main floor in 2025

NewConnect-listed space tech company Scanway will focus primarily on constellation projects in 2025, company representatives told during an investor webinar. Scanway hopes that the company will succeed this year in moving to the main floor of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

"Constellations are now a key aspect of the changing space market because even in this decade, more than 70 percent of the satellites I will be sending into orbit will be tied up in constellations. Access to a constellation also means that someone will be replacing that constellation in a few years' time. A constellation is a physical representation of some business model," Scanway's CEO Jedrzej Kowalewski said.

"At the moment when a customer will be replacing a satellite (...) there is little chance that they will want to risk replacing the suppliers of key components, of course, if they are satisfied with them. So, our presence in constellation missions is extremely crucial and 2024 has clearly shown that we can deliver on this goal and prove it in terms of orders," he added.

The CEO pointed out that the company is currently trying to establish a receiving station in Poland, which will allow the company to communicate directly with the satellite, no longer through an intermediary.

In December, Scanway received an order from the US company Intuitive Machines (IM) to provide a lunar observation instrument for the IM satellite, scheduled for launch in late 2025.

"It is important for us to keep in mind that access to the US market gives a much greater revenue exposure. As far as our presence in the IM mission is concerned, it is worth pointing out that lunar exploration is currently one of the main directions of the space sector - I am talking about space agencies," CEO Kowalewski said.

"Intuitive Machines has a strong interest in us also processing the data we will be acquiring - they do not have the competence to do so, nor do they have plans to develop this competence," he added.

He indicated that IM would want to acquire massive volumes of data from the telescope - it is a communications constellation, so unlike other lunar missions, especially science missions, the volume of data that will be possible to transmit will be massive.

"So, we are likely to be able to access a huge, if not historically one of the largest, sources of data coming from the Moon. We are being considered as a partner that could help process those images," the CEO said.

"Regarding the transfer of Scanway to the main market of the WSE and the current trading volumes of the shares, we already see that NewConnect is a bit too small for us. (...) We want to submit the prospectus to Poland's financial market regulator KNF in the first half of this year - this is a target for us which I hope we can achieve. We hope that 2025 will be a good year for us in terms of moving to the main market," he pointed out.

Kowalewski added that the company does not currently plan to issue shares.

"Last year in the industry area, we worked very hard to develop our know-how. (...) Already this quarter, we will start commercialising the first technologies developed in the HYDRA project - among our customers in Poland. At the same time, we are preparing for such activities on the European market," said Scanway's CSO Radoslaw Charytoniuk

"The centre of gravity in the industry area lies in data analysis. I would like to point out that this is an important competence for our Space area. On the other hand, we will continue to focus on activities in manufacturing - as one of the areas where image analysis is applicable. Furthermore, we see that a market area that needs to be developed is industrial robotics. This is an area in which we will be heavily involved this year," he added.

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