Wittchen fashion opens second stationary store in Romania

Listed footwear, accessories and clothing retailer Wittchen group has opened its second stationary store in Romania, the company announced in a press release.

The company said that the new shop in Bucharest is the next stage of the Wittchen brand's expansion in Romania, following the launch of a showroom at ParkLake Shopping Centre near the city centre in December 2023.

The showroom is 123 square metres in size.

"By opening another stationary store in Bucharest, we are systematically implementing our international expansion plan (...)," said the Wittchen's CEO Jedrzej Wittchen, quoted in the press release.

"This year, we plan to launch one more stationary store in Romania, this time in the western part of Bucharest," he added.

As stated, the Wittchen group is following a three-stage strategy to enter new foreign markets.

Initially, it is betting on external marketplace platforms and building brand awareness. In the next step, it launches its own online store and then opens a stationary one (showroom) in carefully selected locations in a given country.

Currently, there are more than 90 stationary shops with the Wittchen logo and Wittchen Travel in Poland. The group also has its own shops in the Czech Republic (7 stores), Hungary (3 stores), Austria (2 stores), Germany, Slovakia (1 store each), Romania (2 stores) and Ukraine (10 franchise outlets).

The Wittchen Group sells through its own e-shops in 6 countries, 44 marketplace platforms in 23 countries and a network of over 100 stationary stores operating under the Wittchen and Wittchen Travel brands. It has its own logistics centre in Palmiry, near Warsaw.

Since 2015, Wittchen S.A. has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

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