Dino grocer expects its EBITDA margin to be under pressure in H2 2024

Listed supermarket chain Dino expects its EBITDA margin to be under a pressure in the second half of 2024, Michal Krauze Dino's CFO told a teleconference for investors.

"When it comes to the second half of the year, we see that the EBITDA margin will be under pressure because of the lower LFL, but a lower one than in the second quarter of the year," Krauze said.

In the second quarter of 2024, EBITDA margin amounted to 7.19 percent versus 8.73 percent the year prior. In the whole first half of 2024, the EBITDA margin amounted to 7.28 percent versus 8.51 percent seen in the fist half of 2023.

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