Enter Air signs approx. USD 75.9 mln deal with Itaka Fly

Poland's largest private air carrier Enter Air have signed a charter agreement with Itaka Fly for the Summer 2025 and Winter 2025/2026 season worth USD 75.9 million, the carrier wrote in a press release.

"We have started the planning of the new season by stabilising our cooperation with our multi-year partner Itaka. The charter agreement is as broad and diverse as this year's, but it is worth pointing out that both in the summer and winter season we will offer a lot of very diverse destinations for different types of tourists," said the member of Enter Air's management board and the company's commercial director Andrzej Kobielski, quoted in a press release.

The contract has been signed for a fixed period until May 31, 2026.

As part of renewing its cooperation with the most important partners (TUI Poland, Rainbow Tours, Itaka Fly and Coral Travel Poland), Enter Air signed contracts of over PLN 2 billion (EUR 464.9 mln) combined value for the Summer 2024 - Winter 2024/2025 season in the first half of 2024.

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