Enea power completes work on strategy update

Listed power group Enea is finalising its strategy update, the company representatives told a press conference.

"We are at the stage of approving the updated strategy and final touches and analyses," Enea's CEO Grzegorz Kinelski said.

"Our goal is to work out the best scenario for Enea. (...) Even if we do not have all the directional decisions, the arrangements for the act of separation, we are working out solutions that will secure the group, regardless of when and how this separation takes place," he said when asked about the spin-off of the coal assets.

The CEO of Enea indicated that the new strategy will not be dependent on the issue of the coal assets' spin-off.

"We do not want the strategy to be only for a few months," Kinelski said.

The company's member of the management board for finance Marek Lelatko, asked about the prospects for Enea's dividend payment, said that the company has to look at the perspective of several years, not here and now.

"The strategy will require a lot of investment," he stressed.

"We would like to return to a normal dividend policy, dividends paid from a healthy organisation. Hopefully, within a few months or so, the topic of assets' spin-off will be clarified, we will have an adopted strategy. This will allow us to plan the business and return to a normal dividend cycle," Lelatko added.

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