BANK GOSPODARSTWA KRAJOWEGO (69/2024) Zakończenie subskrypcji obligacji serii 6, transzy 3 na rzecz Funduszu Przeciwdziałania Covid-19 o łącznej wartości nominalnej 300.000.000 EUR wyemitowanych w ramach programu MTN

Raport bieżący 69/2024



Closing of subscription of bonds series 6, tranche

3 _#160;for

the benefit of the Covid-19 Response Fund with total nominal value of EUR

300,000,000 issued under the MTN programme

Current report No. 69/2024



Art. 56.1.2 Act on public offer; §

16 Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current

and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and on

conditions under which information required by legal regulations of a

non-member state may be recognized (current report)

Due to the closing of

subscription for series 6, tranche 3 bonds issued under the Medium Term

Note Programme of up to EUR 25,000,000,000 (the _quot;MTN Programme_quot;) and the

intention to introduce the bonds to trading on the regulated market in

Luxembourg, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego with its registered office in

Warsaw (the _quot;Bank_quot;) hereby provides information on:

1) subscription opening and closing date: opening

date: 18 September 2024, closing date: 18 September 2024,

2) securities allocation date: 18 September 2024,

3) the number of securities covered by the

subscription: 3 000,

4) reduction rate in specific tranches, if at least

in one of the tranches the number of allocated bonds was lower than the

number of subscribed bonds: bonds were to be issued in one tranche with

a reduction rate of 0%,

5) the number of securities for which subscriptions

were made: 3 000,

6) the number of securities which were allocated

within the subscription: 3 000,

7) the subscription price of the securities: 82.69%

of the principal amount,

8) the number of persons who subscribed the

securities in specific tranches: 1,

9) the number of persons to whom the securities were

allocated within the subscription in specific tranches: 1,

10) the name of underwriters who acquired the

securities under an underwriting agreement, the number acquires

securities; the actual price of one security being the issue price less

the underwriting commission: N/A,

11) the aggregate principal amount of subscription,

i.e. the product of number of securities under the offering and the

issue price plus the amount of interest accrued: EUR 248,394,657.53 _#160;(in

words: two hundred and forty-eight million three hundred and ninety-four

thousand six hundred and fifty-seven euros, 53/100) which is equal to

PLN 1,060,421,632.46 (in words: one billion sixty million four hundred

and twenty one thousand six hundred and thirty-two zloty, 46/100)

according to the average NBP fixed rate as of 18 September 2024,

12) the total costs which were recognised as the

issuance costs: the Bank will disclose such information in an updated

current report after it has received and accepted all the invoices

connected with the issuance,

13) the average cost of subscription per one

security: the Bank will disclose such information in an updated current

report after it has received and accepted all the invoices connected

with the issuance,

14) the way of payment for securities to be acquired:

the payment will be made by a wire transfer to the Bank's account,


the bonds are tranche 3 of series 6 which will be assimilated with tranche

1 bonds of series 6 about which the Bank informed in current report No.

11/2021 and tranche 2 bonds of series 6 about which the Bank informed in

current report No. 58/2024.

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