Respect Energy starts selling green energy to residential customers

Renewables group Respect Energy is starting to sell green energy to residential customers (B2C), the company announced in a press release.

"For consumers, the carbon footprint of a product and its environmental impact is increasingly important. This also applies to electricity. Respect Energy's offer is a response to these expectations - it is aimed at people looking for a cost-effective and environmentally neutral alternative to energy from conventional sources," said company's CEO Sebastian Jablonski.

"When we were the first in Poland to offer companies 100 percent green energy, we received an overwhelming response, which became the basis of our company's business success. Today, we are addressing households with a similar proposal, proving that clean energy can be the cheapest on the market," he added.

As stated, households will receive 100 percent renewable energy under two available variants.

The first option offers a fixed price guarantee for a period of 12 or 24 months. The energy price under the product (in the G11 tariff) is PLN 0.599/kWh (EUR 0.14/kWh) gross or PLN 0.487/kWh net (EUR 0.11/KwH) compared to the statutory maximum price of PLN 0.6212/kWh (eur 0.14/kWh) gross or PLN 0.505/kWh (EUR 0.12) net.

In the second option, Respect Energy offers an energy price lower than the prices available on the market - the company is to verify the offers of trading companies selling energy and adjust the price so that it is lower than the cheapest by PLN 1/MWh (EUR 0.23/MWh) and by the end of 2024 the price will be PLN 0.599/kWh (EUR 0.13/kWh).

Respect Energy is an energy company with Polish capital and a leading market position in Poland, part of the Respect Energy group.

It offers customers only 100 percent green energy. Respect Energy's activities are also focused on the purchase, production and sale of energy derived exclusively from renewable sources.

The company currently operates in 27 markets and cooperates with a group of more than 1,000 energy producers from all over Poland.

The services of Respect Energy group companies cover the full chain of activities for the energy sector, including: site search and analysis for investments, planning and design, and construction and management of generation sources.

Respect Energy Group also invests in its own renewable energy assets, mainly wind and photovoltaic farms, and develops nuclear power projects in Poland based on SMR technology.

pel/ nl/ han.

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