Poland's macroprudential body upholds recommendation on countercyclical buffer rate

Poland's macroprudential body KSF-M has decided to uphold its previous recommendation on the amount of the countercyclical buffer rate, the release following the KSF-M meeting stated.

"The Committee, in fulfilment of its statutory duties, adopted a resolution upholding its recommendation of June 14, 2024, to the Minister of Finance on the level of the countercyclical buffer rate," KSF-M announced in the statement.

"The target rate recommended by the Committee is 2 percent, with a phased approach to the desired level. The representative of the Minister of Finance accepted the recommendation and confirmed that there is currently no need to take additional action in this regard," it added.

The countercyclical buffer rate introduced by a regulation of Poland's Finance Minister and applicable from September 25, 2025, is 1 percent.

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