Ailleron IT posts PLN 10.9 mln net profit in Q4 2024

Listed IT group Ailleron posted PLN 10.9 million (EUR 2.64 mln) attributable net profit in the fourth quarter of 2024, the company said in its quarterly report. PAP Biznes' calculations show that the company achieved an EBITDA of PLN 22.3 million (EUR 5.4 mln) in the period. The consensus was for a net profit of PLN 9.3 million (EUR 2.25 mln) and EBITDA of PLN 25.6 million (EUR 6.2 mln).

4Q2024 results consensus difference y/y q/q YTD y/y
PLN mln PLN mln % % % PLN mln %
Revenues 164.7 161.7 1.90% 30.50% 13.20% 559.7 19.90%
EBITDA 22.3 25.6 -13% 121.70% -2.40% 83.1 66.20%
EBIT 19.2 21.6 -11.20% 222.70% 0.50% 68.5 92.70%
Attrib. net profit 10.9 9.3 17.20% 200.30% 187.60% 24.1 452.90%

"In the fourth quarter we exceeded a historic moment. We generated more than PLN 500 million in revenue in 2024, recording double-digit growth. Today, we are an international player with even greater ambitions," said the company's CEO Rafal Styczen, quoted in the press release.

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