Alior Bank wants to pay about 50 pct dividend from 2024 profit

Listed lender Alior Bank's management board intends to pay the dividend of around 50 percent from the profit made in 2024, the bank said in a market filing.

"The management board's intention regarding the amount of the dividend takes into account both the current financial and capital situation of the bank and its development plans," Alior said in the market filing.

The lender reported that it had met the criteria and requirements of Poland's financial market regulator KNF, allowing it to pay up to 50 percent of its 2024 profit in the form of dividends, while it had not yet received an individual dividend recommendation for 2025 from KNF, confirming the possibility of paying dividends at this level.

The bank said that the exact amount of the dividend for 2024 will be indicated upon receipt of the individual dividend recommendation and a positive assessment from the bank's supervisory board.

Alior Bank Group's net profit for 2024 was PLN 2.445 billion (EUR 588.3 mln), a year-on-year increase of PLN 415 million (EUR 99.9 mln).

seb/ ao/

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